Barcelona, Spain

6th OpenIFS User Meeting

The 6th OpenIFS User Meeting is organised by ECMWF, and from 22 to 26 May 2023 this event will be hosted at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center in Spain.

Purpose and scope of the meeting:

OpenIFS is the portable version of the ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) available to scientists in ECMWF member states and beyond.  More than 100 institutions, located mostly in and around Europe, have signed the free OpenIFS license agreement and use the model for a wide range of research in Numerical Weather Prediction and climate science, as well as in teaching the next generation of scientists.

Every couple of years the community of OpenIFS users is offered to attend a User Meeting or workshop.  These 5-day meetings are networking events for the community, offering a science programme during the mornings with a combination of invited and contributed presentations (both oral and posters) and a practical hands-on programme with organised computer practicals on the European Weather Cloud.  The scientific meeting theme for this 2023 event will be “Atmospheric composition and impact on Numerical Weather Prediction”.  This event gives model users the opportunity to showcase their work with OpenIFS and to learn about new model features (in this case the new OpenIFS/AC model to interactively simulate atmospheric composition) which are introduced in the afternoon computer practicals.  These user meeting events are an important opportunity to foster networking and collaboration in the OpenIFS model user community.  Due to Covid no event could be organised during the past four years.