19/06/2023 –
St. Gallen, Switzerland
36th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology
ICAM 2023 will take place from 19 to 23 June 2023 (with the Poster Sessions on 27 June 2023, online) in St. Gallen, in the eastern part of Switzerland.
Papers are invited on all aspects of mountain weather and climate, including but not limited to
- Dynamics of dry and moist orographically forced airflow
- Boundary layer processes over complex terrain
- Orographic clouds and precipitation
- Recent and future field campaigns
- Challenges in weather forecasting in mountainous areas
- Numerical weather prediction over complex terrain (incl. data assimilation and predictability studies)
- Mountain climates and impacts of global warming
- Meteorological processes affecting air quality, water resources, renewable energy harvesting, ecosystems, urban environment and infrastructures
The conference is jointly organised by the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss and ETH Zurich. It will be held at the Conference Hotel Einstein.
EMS is sponsoring one Young Scientist Conference Award for ICAM 2023.