08/05/2023 –
Bucharest, Romania
ECSS2023: 11th European Conference on Severe Storms
The ECSS2023 will will take place in the very centre of Bucharest in the National Statistics Institute. The scope of the conference covers all aspects of severe convective storms. Researchers, operational forecasters, and risk and emergency managers are invited to submit contributions. In light of the global relevance of the conference themes, participants from all over the world are encouraged to attend. These are the conference topics (and tentative session titles):
- Convective storm and tornado dynamics
- Numerical modelling of storms, storm-scale data assimilation
- Impact of storms on society, impact mitigation and early warning systems
- Flash floods
- Forecasting and nowcasting of storms
- Severe weather forecaster training
- Satellite studies of storms and their environment
- Radar studies of storms and their environment
- Storm microphysics, electrification, lightning and hail
- Storm climatology, risk assessments and relation to climate change
- Collection of storm data, historical events and damage assessments
The abstract submission deadline has expired.
More details and the latest updates are provided
- on the ECSS2023 website
- and ECSS Twitter updates by @essl_ecss; Use the hashtag #ecss2023 for your tweets.