Engaging the public, private and academic sectors

Public-Private Engagement Newsletter

The WMO Public-Private Engagement (PPE) Office was established in January 2020. Under the leadership of Dimitar Ivanov, the aim of the PPE Office is to follow-up the Geneva Declaration 2019. This emphasised the importance of enhancing the engagement between the public, private and academic sectors so that there is a concerted response from the whole community to address the global environmental risks.

The first Public-Private Engagement Newsletter was issued in February. This includes information about and links to the following.

  • Origin, impact and aftermath of WMO Resolution 40.
  • Weather and climate services: An increasing range of choice for the public and private sector.
  • Integrating private sector observations in operational weather forecasting in Norway.
  • The power of partnership: Public and private engagement in Hydromet Services.

To subscribe to the Public-Private Engagement Newsletter:  PPE Resources.

GWE Forum Newsletter

The Global Weather Enterprise Forum (GWE Forum) supports the international engagement between the public, private and academic sectors based on a common goal of providing accurate and reliable weather and climate-related information and services. The GWE Forum operates with projects, via volunteer Expert Groups drawn from the membership, that focus on aspects of the value chain of meteorological and hydrological services.

A recent GWE Forum Newsletter (Issue 2, March – April 2020) draws attention to two of the Forum’s activities:

  • Education and training of meteorologists via the academic sector in Africa.
  • Improvement of weather and climate services in Sri Lanka.

The GWE Forum will be forming several expert groups to collaboratively develop and advance the following topics:

  • Long-term development and innovations within the GWE Forum.
  • Scaling up the role of academic sector in the PPE in Hydromet.
  • Piloting individual solution at a regional and national level in South Asia.

The GWE Forum website contains information about how to join the GWE Forum and one of these expert groups. Podcasts of interviews with actors in the Forum are also available.


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