EMS Technology Achievement Award 2025: open for submissions
The European Meteorological Society (EMS) seeks to recognise achievements that are influential on developments of technologies and technical solutions in meteorology and related areas, have advanced the methods and technologies of environmental observing and forecasting systems and demonstrated the potential to impact on the field at the European scale. Thus the EMS launched The EMS Technology Achievement Award in 2015.
The Award 2024 was won by the team of European Meteorological Aircraft Derived Data Centre (EMADDC) :The EMADDC team has demonstrated that an opportunistic use of aircraft data can be turned into a well calibrated, rich source of upper air observations, and that, through international collaboration by EUMETNET, these can be provided as a valuable service to the aeronautical and meteorological communities.
Call for nominations for the TAA 2025

Optional deadline for short proposals: 10 December 2024
Final Deadline for submission of full proposal: 31 January 2025
1. Objective of the award
The EMS Technology Achievement Award is granted to individuals or corporations in recognition of technological contributions associated with instrumentation and methodologies used in meteorology and related sciences (e.g. oceanography, atmospheric chemistry and hydrology) and their applications that have the potential for Europe-wide impact. Such developments could include
- Instrumentation,
- Observing systems and measurements,
- Data management and ICT Infrastructure: data acquisition, data handling, data analysis techniques, and algorithms,
- Information systems along with technological developments underpinning forecasting methods and validation/verification techniques.
2. The Award
The EMS Technology Achievement Award is awarded in the form of a certificate presented to the recipient during the award ceremony of the EMS Annual Meeting 2025 planned to take place in Ljubljana, 8-12 September 2025.
A short presentation about the award, given by Robert Mureau 2022 in Bonn
3. Eligibility and nomination for the award
The award is granted to individuals, groups of individuals or organisations. Organisations are understood in a broad sense, including companies, institutions, associations, international organisations and projects.
EMS Member Societies and EMS Associate Members and their respective members or staff are eligible to make nominations for the EMS Technology Achievement Award.
Individuals, groups of individuals or organisations are also eligible to submit a self-nomination for the EMS Technology Achievement Award, under the same conditions, explained in paragraph 4.
4. Nominations
Submission is encouraged in two stages:
(1) 10 December 2024, 12:00 CET: Nominators are invited to submit an outline of the proposal by 10 December 2024. The outline proposal should present the key achievements in the form of an abstract (one A4 page maximum). The Selection Committee will provide a preliminary assessment of the proposal and guidance for the full submission to the nominators at the latest by Monday 13 January 2025.
This preliminary stage is optional and not a pre-requisite for the submission of the full proposal.
(2) 31 January 2025, 12:00 CET: The full proposal has to be submitted by 31 January 2024 and must include the following documents:
- A description of key achievements, explaining the new aspects and innovation of an achievement and highlighting any significant practical achievement and experiences with the technological solution.
Any significant papers, posters, books, patents related to the achievement or other information which explains the exclusivity of the technological solution should also be included. - Curriculum vitae and/or profile of the organisation, corporate body or individual, not more than three A4 pages:
–> The curriculum vitae (in case of an individual) should contain the background of the Nominee and an overview of career, publications and other relevant information.
–> The profile (in case of an organisation or corporate body) should contain background information about the corporate body as well as background information about the persons or teams involved. - Two supporting letters up to two A4 pages. More than three letters of support will not be considered.
- A proposal for a citation of 25 words or less.
All documents and communications must be in English. Documents must be provided digitally in pdf format.
All documentation must be submitted before the closing date to the following e-mail address: awardapplication@emetsoc.org.
The deadline for the submission of the full proposal for the EMS Technology Achievement Award 2025 is 31 January 2025 at 12.00 CET.
5. The selection process
A Selection Committee established by the EMS Council will evaluate the nominations and make a recommendation to the EMS Council. The final selection of an awardee is the task of the EMS Council.
Non-selected nominations will be forwarded once to be considered again for the award in the following year. The documentation provided may be updated for the next call for proposals.
6. Presentation of the Award
Following the decision of the EMS Council, the winning organisation, corporate body or individual will be informed in due time in order to take part at the awards ceremony at the EMS Annual Meeting 2025. The name of the winner will be made public to the media and in EMS publications.
More information on the Technology Achievement Award and earlier recipients
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