ems-message December 2017

Hello everyone,

Here is the December edition of the EMS newsletter, compiled by the newly formed EMS Liaison Committee. We are grateful to everyone who filled in our communications and networking survey and look forward to enhancing our contact with you and between our Members; a summary of the survey results will be available in January.

Each month or so we will bring you updates on the activities of Members and on EMS awards or events. If you have any feedback on improvements or recommendations we would be delighted to hear from you.

This edition includes articles from Denmark, Iceland, Ireland and Italy as well as an interview by the president of the Slovakian Meteorological Society.

We hope you have a lovely Christmas and look forward to working with you again in 2018.

Screendump of the ems-message December 2017
Screendump of the ems-message December 2017



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