Modern society is becoming increasingly vulnerable to extreme weather events. The meteorological services are making great efforts to develop better weather forecasts and issue alerts. In spite of rapid development of new means of communication …[more]
First regular air temperature (instrumental) observations in Lithuania were taken in 1770, a complete air temperature time series is available since 1777. The weather radar station at Vilnius Airport was launched in 1974. The automation of observing stations started in 2003. …[more]
The two-day Media-Workshop of the 17th International Weather and Climate Forum will be dedicated to the discussion of communication strategies at a high international level, …[more]
Clemens Simmer, DMG, talks about his concerns about decreasing numbers of students taking up meteorology and the challenges to implement effective organisational structures to achieve the goals of the society. [more]
EMS2020 will take place from 7 to 11 September 2020 at the University of Economics in Bratislava. Abstract submission is now open. Information on award and waiver applications, side meeting requests, …[more]
The new board of AME, appointed last spring, has started its mandate with enthusiasm. Outreach activities have been particularly enhanced and the dissemination of news through the web page and twitter has increased significantly …[more]
The EU’s Open Data Directive encourages the EU’s Member States to make as much information available for re-use as possible. It covers data held in the public sector as well as organisations funded mostly by or under the control of public authorities (e.g. meteorological institutes).[more]
The IFMS Meeting was held in Boston on 14 and 16 January during the 100th AMS Annual Meeting, with the main focus on discussions about the current status and proposals for the future development of the IFMS.[more]
The Global Weather Enterprise aims to take action to provide up-to-date systems that protect life, property, and wellbeing. At a recent meeting in Boston there was a wide-ranging discussion about the key areas of the public, private and academia engagement[more]