ems-message April 2020

Carola Detring joins EMS as Assistant

The EMS is delighted to welcome Carola Detring as new part-time staff member. Carola joined on 1 February 2024 and will mainly support the preparations and development of the EMS Annual Meetings. Carola brings a lot of experience in this area through her membership of the EMS Committee on Meetings [more]

EMS Silver Medal 2020 for Jean Jouzel

This award recognised Jean Jouzel’s fundamental and pioneering scientific contributions to the understanding of paleo, present and future climate processes. Jean Jouzel said “Understanding past climate change provides information relevant to its future. …[more]

42nd Session of the EMS Council

The 42nd session of the EMS Council was held as a video meeting and emphasis was placed on dealing with urgent matters. Other matters will be dealt with by correspondence, delegation to the Bureau or postponement to the September Council meeting. Dominique Marbouty was elected as Vice President, the Memorandum of Understanding between the EMS and the Harry Otten Foundation was approved, …[more]

Engaging the public, private and academic sectors

The WMO Public-Private Engagement Office was established in January 2020 with the aim to follow-up the Geneva Declaration 2019. The Global Weather Enterprise Forum supports the international engagement between the public, private and academic sectors based on a common goal. Both, PPE and GWE Forum, issue newsletters …[more]

ÖGM Margules Prize 2020: Daniel Fenner

Daniel Fenner from the Institute for Ecology, Department of Climatology at the Technical University of Berlin, was selected to receive the Max Margules Prize of the Austrian Society for Meteorology for his paper “Intra and inter ´local climate zone´ variability of air temperature as observed by crowd sourced citizen weather stations in Berlin”. The work was published in the Meteorologische Zeitschrift, [more]

New web tool to monitor quality of observations

The WMO and ECMWF launched a new web-based interface to help monitor the availability and quality of global meteorological observations. The WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System (WDQMS) monitors the availability and quality of land-based surface and upper-air observations. It is based on near-real-time monitoring information provided by four participating global NWP centres[more]

WMO Statement: The State of the Global Climate in 2019

Some of the key messages are: The global mean temperature for 2019 was 1.1±0.1 °C above pre-industrial levels, with this year likely to have been the second warmest in instrumental records; 2019 saw low sea-ice extent in both the Arctic and the Antarctic.[more]

Call for nominations: EMS Young Scientist Award

Deadline for nominations: 19 April 2020
The EMS Young Scientist Award is given annually to an individual in recognition of excellent performance during the early stage of their scientific career. The award is in form of a prize money and travel expenses to cover the attendance of the EMS Annual Meeting.[more]