EMS Broadcast Meteorologist Award 2016 for Lieutenant Colonel Guido Guidi

Lieutenant Colonel Guido Guidi of the Italian Air Force Weather Service has been selected to receive the EMS Broadcast Meteorologist Award 2016.He is very well known in Italy as weather forecaster on RAI1 and RAI2, the major public television. Throughout his career as TV weather forecaster he has always proved deep commitment paired with extremely high communication skills. His extraordinary dialectics and his deep preparation have always guaranteed a correct information, among the highest available in the panorama of the Italian television weather forecasts.
Lieutenant Colonel Guido Guidi also has a relevant long working history and experience as weather forecaster for several weather services such as NATO, the Italian Antarctcic Survey, the Operational Center for Meteorology as well as the Civil protection.
He is also the Italian Focal Point for the WMO programme WWIS (Public Weather Service) as well as EUMETSAT Data Licensing Agent for Italy.
Lieutenant Colonel Guido Guidi will be a guest of the Media Session at the EMS Annual Meeting in Trieste and talk about his experience as a weather forecaster: on Tuesday, 13 September 2016.
The award will be presented in the Awards Session, also on 13 September 2016, in Trieste.
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