K. Hocke, S.C. Studer, N. Kämpfer, O. Stähli, and E. Maillard

Outstanding Poster Award at EMS&ECAM 2011: Diurnal variations in surface air pressure, integrated water vapour, and stratospheric ozone, K. Hocke (1), S.C. Studer (1), N. Kämpfer (1), O. Stähli (1), and E. Maillard (2), (1) Institute of Applied Physics and Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland (klemens.hocke@iap.unibe.ch), (2) Aerological Station, MeteoSwiss, Payerne, Switzerland


This poster was attractive with a clear layout, well balanced. The poster presents new scientific findings with the inference of atmospheric tides on atmospheric parameters.