Julie Berckmans, Alexandra-Jane Henrot, Ingrid Jacquemin and Rafiq Hamdi
Outstanding Poster Award at EMS&ECAC 2016: Sensitivity of the regional climate model ALARO-0 to land surface changes, Julie Berckmans (1,2), Alexandra-Jane Henrot (3), Ingrid Jacquemin (3), and Rafiq Hamdi (1)
(1) Royal Meteorological Institute, Department of Meteorological and Climatological Research, Uccle, Belgium, (2) Centre of Excellence PLECO (Plant and Vegetation Ecology), University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, (3) Unit for Modelling of Climate and Biogeochemical Cycles, University of Liège, Liège.
This poster had very good, innovative scientific content, presented in a clear and concise way. The unanimous view of the selection committee was that the layout of the material was logical, well-structured and very attractive.
Julie Berkmans gave an interview during the EMS Annual Meeting in Dublin on what she recommends to develop a good poster.