Branislava Lalić
Branislava Lalić was selected for the EMS Tromp Award for an outstanding achievement in biometeorology 2022. Branislava Lalić is Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad. She is awarded for the publication: “Identifying Crop and Orchard Growing Stages Using Conventional Temperature and Humidity Reports“, Proceedings of the Atmosphere 2022, 13, 700.; by Branislava Lalić et al. (*)
Outline of “Identifying Crop and Orchard Growing Stages Using Conventional Temperature and Humidity Reports”
Vegetation is a climate modifier: It is a primary modifier, such as the Amazon rain forest, or secondary modifier, such as the agricultural fields of Pannonian lowlands in Central Europe. At periods of winter crop spring renewal and the start of the orchard growing season, enhanced evapotranspiration shifts energy balance partitions from sensible toward latent heat flux. This surface flux alteration converges into the boundary layer, and it can be detected in the daily variations of air temperature and humidity as well as daily temperature range records. The time series of micrometeorological measurements and phenological observations in dominant plant canopies conducted by Forecasting and Reporting Service for Plant Protection of the Republic of Serbia (PIS) are explored to select indices that best record the signatures of plant growth stages in temperature and humidity daily variations. From the timing of extreme values and inflection points of relative humidity (R1 and R2) and normalized daily temperature range (DTR/Td), we identified the following stages: (a) start of flowering (orchard)/spring start of the growing season (crop), (b) full bloom (orchard)/development (crop), (c) maximum LAI reached/yield formation (orchard and crop), and (d) start of dormancy (orchard)/leaf drying (crop). The average day of year (DOY) for dominant plants corresponds to the timing obtained from climatological time series recorded on a representative climate station.
About Branislava Lalić
Dr. Branislava Lalić has long experience in the dynamical modeling of biophysical processes and the development of biometeorological models. She BSc in Physics, but during her postgraduate and Ph.D. studies, she focused on modeling physical processes describing biosphere-atmosphere interaction and their implementation in numerical weather prediction and agrometeorological models.
Branislava Lalić studied Physics (BSc), and Meteorology (MSc); she received a PhD in Meteorology and Environmental modelling. Her areas of research interest include : modelling of forest – atmosphere interaction, land-atmosphere processes (theory and modeling), boundary layer meteorology (theory and modeling), agrometeorological modelling, predicting the occurrence of plant diseases in agriculture, biometeorogical modelling and crop modelling
More details at:
(*) Branislava Lalić1, David R.Fitzjarrald2, Ana Firanj Sremac1, Milena Marčić3 and Mina Petrić4
- Department of Field and Vegetable Crops, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja, Obradovica 8, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia;
- Atmospheric Sciences Research Center, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, 12226 NY, USA;
- Forecasting and Reporting Service for Plant Protection of the Republic of Serbia, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia;
- Avia-GIS NV, 2980 Zoersel, Belgium.