Annual Conference of the Unione Meteorologica del Friuli Venezia Giulia

The Annual Conference of UMFVG took place on
18 November 2017. The theme this year was
“The Julian Alps – Mountains born of the Sea”.

Despite its title, the conference was not restricted to the geological development of this part of the southeastern Alps but dealed with glaciological and climatological items, too.

This conference was dedicated to the comprehension of the environment of the Julian Alps, how they formed and grew because of geological reasons, how they have been shaped by weathering and glaciers, and how climate change are now changing the environment melting the last remnants of cryosphere in this alpine sector. Additionally, the weather and climate of the Julian Alps was addressed in a further contribution. 120 participants listened to five presentations.

The book of abstracts and proceedings prepared for the conference (in Italian) can be found here:

by Roberto Colucci


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