Activities of the Aviometeorological club – Bulgaria
The Aviometeorological club – Bulgaria ( organises a small event every year at which club members can discuss scientific topics and other important developments in the field of meteorology. In 2017 the event was held in Borovets resort, Samokov, Bulgaria. There were several presentations about the research our members are doing and also some very interesting facts about the history of AMC-Bulgaria. Information from the event and some pictures are available on the official web site –
Another important activity for AMC is the annual photography competition and the production of a calendar with some basic meteorological information. More information on the photography competition can be found here:
There is also a section on the web site with news about the club and planned events and meetings. The most up-to-date information is on the Bulgarian version of the website but we also maintain an English version:
As a Member Society of EMS, representatives from AMC regularly participate in the General Assembly and Annual Meeting of the EMS.
Georgi J. Georgiev
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