ACAM: New President Jordi Mazon
Jordi Mazon Bueso: ACAM President from 2017

Jordi Mazon Bueso was elected ACAM-President in spring 2017. He suceeds Joan Bech Rustullet, Professor for Earth Physica at the University of Barcelona.
Jordi Mazon graduated in Physics, completed a Master in Applied Climatology, and a PhD in Science at the Technical University of Catalonia (BarcelonaTech). His research focusses on meteorology and climatology over the Mediterranean, specifically precipitation events associated with cold outbreaks over the sea. He works at the Department of Physics at the BarcelonaTech, also lecturing physics and meteorology for students of Aeronautics and Telecommunications, and higher level of physics in the International Baccalaureate, as well as meteorology for students of environmental sciences.
Jordi Mazon is also involved in outreach activities, through workshops and books for the general public.
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