Editorial Board: Journal of the EMS

Journal of the EMS: cover thumbnailIn May 2024, the EMS launched its new journal. The Journal of the European Meteorological Society (JEMS) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access online journal, publishing international research and review articles of general interest and relevance about weather, climate and related fields. It will also serve as a forum for high-level news by the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and editorials. The journal is published by Elsevier B.V.

The Editorial Board consists of the two Editors-in-Chief: Gert-Jan Steeneveld and Johannes Schmetz, and the four Associate Editors Sandrine Bony, Maria João Costa, Francesca Di Guiseppe, Bert Holtslag.

Terms of Reference for JEMS Editorial Board (EB)

The Journal of the European Meteorological Society (JEMS) publishes international research and review articles of general interest and relevance to the European meteorological community about weather, climate and related fields. It will also serve as forum for high-level news from the EMS and editorials.

The full scope of JEMS is described in:

The Editors of the Journal of the European Meteorological Society (JEMS) work on a voluntary basis without remuneration. The Editorial Board (EB) consists of (a) Editor(s)-in-Chief, no more than two, and Editorial Board members (Associate Editors). Editors-in-Chief need to members of an EMS Member Society or staff of an EMS Associate Member.

The Editor(s)-in-Chief and Associate Editors can, as mutually agreed, invite individuals to actively contribute to the EB, for instance as co-editors for special issues of JEMS. Invitations shall provide for complementary scientific expertise of the Editorial Board. A balance in terms of gender and geography needs to be fulfilled.

  • Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors are designated by EMS Council for a period of three years. They shall be eligible for one or more subsequent terms.
  • The EB works mainly through telecommunications.
  • The EB shall report on all activities on JEMS to the EMS Council at the regular Council sessions (two per year) through the Editors-in-Chief.
  • Editors-in-Chief can propose to the Publisher the publication of special issues of JEMS. A special issue should be related to a topic or event of special interest to the EMS. Before proposing a special issue to the Publisher, Editors-in-Chief will seek agreement from all members of the Editorial Board.

The main task of the Editors-in-Chief and Editorial Board is the management of the peer review process for JEMS.

Specifically, the Editorial Board members will:

  • support establishing and enhancing the publication record and reputation of JEMS as a recognized source of information for world-wide meteorological communities.
  • support decisions of Editors-in-Chief whether a proposal for a submission of a paper falls within the scope of JEMS.
  • lead and manage the review process from submission to acceptance of papers in their area of expertise.
  • select reviewers, send manuscript to reviewers and interact with the authors of submitted papers; the framework for the reviewing is the online publication tool provided and maintained by the Publisher (Elsevier).
  • participate themselves in reviewing of papers.
  • provide a recommendation/decision whether a paper is acceptable for publication in JEMS on the basis of peer reviews; manuscripts can also be recommended for submission to Journals of EMS Members or the Publisher.
  • represent and promote JEMS at conferences and meetings.
  • contribute to and attend Editorial board meetings. Meetings are called by Editors-in-Chief.
  • offer advice on issues of the future development of JEMS such as redirecting the scope of the journal.
  • support the selection of new Editorial Board members.
  • contribute flexibly to other tasks as required to develop JEMS considering that JEMS is in its phase of being established.
  • are required to follow best practice guidelines in the publication process.

The Editorial Board will consider making changes of strategic nature concerning the direction and growth of the JEMS.

Travel costs of EB members to EB meetings in the framework of the EMS Annual Meetings (and conferences with the sole purpose to promote JEMS) will be covered by the EMS according to EMS travel rules.

The Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually considering mainly the question as to whether updates are required.
